Scholarships & Fellowships
There are a number of scholarships and fellowships listed below that are available to award to UCLA Teacher Education Program students. The awards range from a few hundred dollars up to thousands of dollars.
Please complete a scholarship essay with your application if you would like to be considered for an award. See the TEP Application Guide for more details on the essay.
There are multiple ways to fund participation in UCLA Teacher Education Program.
Cal Grant Teaching Program
The Cal Grant Teaching Credential Program is for teacher candidates who have received a Cal Grant A or B as an undergraduate, pursue a post-baccalaureate credential program, and demonstrate financial need. To qualify, a student must be enrolled in a CTC-approved preparation program within 15 months following the end of the undergraduate term for which they last received a Cal Grant payment or received their bachelor’s degree.
To request a grant, a student submits the g-44 form (PDF) that further describes the program. To learn about and apply for a Cal Grant, visit the California Student Aid Commission site.
Golden State Grant
The Golden State Teacher Grant (GSTG) Program awards up to $20,000 to students currently enrolled in a professional preparation program approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) and working towards earning their preliminary teaching or pupil personnel services credential. Students must:
- Complete their program and obtain their credential within 3 years from the first distribution of GSTG funds.
- Commit to working at a priority school in California for 4 years within 8 years of completing their program.
To learn about and apply for a Golden State Grant, visit the California Student Aid Commission Golden State Grant site.
Teach Grants
The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant program is a federal financial aid grant program available to students enrolled in eligible programs. Credentialing candidates who receive a TEACH Grant must agree to teach in a high-need field, at a low-income elementary or secondary school as a highly qualified teacher, full-time for at least four years.
Residency Funding
UCLA TEP is a partner in two residency programs—one funded by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and one funded by the federal Department of Education. This funding is open only to students admitted into the program. There is an additional application and interview for those wishing to be considered for the residency. Each student admitted to the residency will receive a stipend of $20,000.