Fiscal and Administrative Directory

Staff at Center X in the administrative and fiscal groups.

Name/Title Phone E-mail
Avery Ball
Contracts and Grants Fund Manager
(310) 206-2581
Amelia Bond
Human Resources & Payroll
(424) 259-5264
Karen Boyer
Lead Financial Analyst
(424) 259-5537
Sabina Castillo
Sales & Service Fund Manager
(310) 206-7508
Megan Franke
Faculty Director, Center X
Beth Happel
Web and Communications Manager
(310) 206-2969
Lynn Kim-John
Executive Director, Center X
Jennifer Leonardini
Senior Financial Manager
(424) 259-5279
Sarah Thomas
Fund Manager
(424) 259-5607
Tiki Valentino
Executive Assistant, Center X
(424) 259-5354

Professional Development Directory

Staff at Center X associated with the Professional Development projects.

Name/Title Phone E-mail
Doreen Ahadian
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
EJ Akins
Program Coordinator, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 794-0176
Laureen Avery
Director, Northeast Region
(424) 442-5308
David Cameron
Interim Project Director, Design Based Learning Project
(626) 354-2699
Jason Cervone
Public Admin. Analyst, Northeast Region
(310) 825-4910
Sharisa Chan
Associate Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Development, Computer Science Equity Project
Michelle Choi
Associate Director, Computer Science Equity Project
Zachary Cue
Director, UCLA Science Project
(310) 794-7968
Danny Diaz
Director, UCLA History-Geography Project
(424) 442-5298
Maria Di Meglio
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 825-4910
Berkeley Everett
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Julie Flapan
Director, UCLA Computer Science Equity Project
Co-Director, CSforCA
(949) 228-9761
Aldo Garcia
Program Manager, UCLA Science Project
(310) 825-7121
Amber Gonzalez
Program Coordinator, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 794-0142
Tejvir Grewall
Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Jennifer Hagman
Associate Director Secondary Mathematics, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 825-4910
Joanna Hayman
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 825-4910
Kristine Ho
Director of Mathematics Programs
(310) 825-4910
Natalie Irons
Associate Director, Instructional Coaching Programs
(310) 794-7968
Carrie Usui Johnson
Director, Coaching Partnerships
James Keipp
Director, AP Readiness
(310) 825-1324
Julie Kern
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Greg Lakey
Secondary Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Peta Lindsay
Associate Director, UCLA History-Geography Project
Jane Margolis
Senior Researcher, UCLA Computer Science Equity Project
(310) 794-4481
Paula Nazario
Assistant Director, Computer Science Equity Project
Tonikiaa Orange
Director, Culture & Equity Project at Center X
(310) 794-9852
Nancy Parachini, Executive Director, School Leadership Projects and International Partnerships (310) 825-6212
Faye Peitzman
Director, UCLA Writing Project
(310) 825-6990
Erin Powers
Director, UCLA National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
(310) 206-5736  
Karen Recinos
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Christine Riad
Secondary Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Lori Rosales
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Luis Ruiz-Martinez
Program Coordinator, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 794-0142
Jean Ryoo
Director of Research, Computer Science Equity Project at UCLA Center X
Lindsey Sanders
Secondary Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Nancy Lee Sayre
Program Manager, UCLA Writing Project and UCLA Coaching Partnerships
(310) 794-0191
Jennifer Schexnayder
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Kumi Smart
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Barbara Tank
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Angela Turrou
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Janene Ward
Co-Director of the LAUSD CGI Action Research Project, UCLA Mathematics Project
(310) 738-6875
Chloe White
Program Coordinator, UCLA Mathematics Project
Leah Wolverton
CGI Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project
Aryonna Young
Program Manager, Computer Science Equity Project and California Reading & Literature Program
(310) 206-0207
Joy Zimmerman
Secondary Coach, UCLA Mathematics Project

Teacher Education Program Directory

Faculty and staff associated with the UCLA Teacher Education Program.

Name/Title Phone E-mail
Rebecca Alber, Faculty Advisor
Melissa Arias, Faculty Advisor
Jaye Darby, Instructor (310) 825-4063
Annamarie Francois (310) 825-6812
Megan Franke, Professor (310) 206-3511
Frank Heuser, Faculty Advisor (Music) (310) 206-8297
Emma Hipolito
Teacher Education Program Director
Jackie Honda, Program Manager (310) 794-2133
Tyrone Howard, Professor (310) 206-3511
Jo Ann Isken, Bilingual Authorization (310) 206-5736
Sara Kersey, Faculty Advisor (310) 206-2186
Jane Kim, Faculty Advisor
Darlene Lee, Faculty Advisor (818) 592-6577
Eduardo Lopez, Faculty Advisor (323) 360-7919
Laura McMullin, Faculty Advisor
Imelda Nava-Landeros, Faculty Advisor (310) 825-4910
Marjorie Orellana, Professor (310) 206-5375
Susan Oswald, University Field Supervisor (310) 753-8971
Jaime Park, Faculty Advisor (310) 206-3911
Faye Peitzman, Faculty Advisor (310) 825-6990
Jody Priselac, Faculty (310) 206-0023
Yolanda Reyna, Program Coordinator (310) 206-0796
Bill Sandoval, Associate Professor (310) 794-5431
Jeff Share, Faculty Advisor (310) 825-7494
Concepcion Valadez, Associate Professor (310) 825-8382

Principal Leadership Institute Directory

Faculty and staff associated with the UCLA Principal Leadership Institute.

Name/Title Phone E-mail
Raul Alarcon, Faculty
Kelly Barnes, Faculty
Nataly Birch, Program Coordinator (310) 267-4905
Robert  Cooper, Faculty Co-Director (310) 267-2494
Minnie Ferguson, Faculty
Chuck Flores, Faculty (213) 480-3700
Megan Franke, Faculty (310) 206-3511
Louis Gomez, Faculty (310) 825-0978
Jo Ann Isken, Faculty (310) 206-0795
Georgia Lazo, Faculty
DeeDee Lonon, LSP Site Manager/Faculty (310) 267-4905
Tonikiaa Orange, Director
John Rogers, Faculty Co-Director (310) 206-4620
Nanette Terrenal, Faculty
Kenya Williams, Faculty