TEP Alumni Spotlight

TEP grads in the news


Seven alumni of the Teacher Education Program (TEP) were named as LAUSD Teachers of the Year! Israel Bautista, Monique Brusca, Maria Debuque, Natalie Elliott, Shannon Garrison, Gabriela Spilman, and Anthony Yom were recognized at an awards ceremony in August 2016.

Science, West Adams Prep High School

LAUSD Teacher Rookie of the Year 2016
Tyler Sherman, Science teacher at West Adams Prep High School, was selected as an LAUSD Teacher Rookie of the Year for his outstanding service to the students of LAUSD during his first year of teaching. He was one of 18 honorees who were recognized during a pre-game ceremony in Dodger Stadium. Congratulations to Tyler!

Math, Lincoln High School

Lincoln High math teacher Anthony Yom was featured in the news after one of his students, Cedrick Argueta, was among only 12 in the world to complete the Advanced Placement Calculus exam with a perfect score. Anthony recently won a prestigious national award, the 2016 Escalante–Gradillas Prize for Best in Education.

World History and Advanced Placement, Arleta High School

“As I see my students grow and become community advocates for change, I know that I am fulfilling my purpose – teaching them in order to make this world a better place.”

Government, Economics, and Advanced Placement, Robert F. Kennedy High School of Arts

“Opportunities to learn and thrive should exist in all communities, regardless of socioeconomic status. I chose to become a teacher to provide students like me with a rigorous and inspiring educational experience.”

1st grade, Baldwin Hills Elementary and Gifted/High Ability Magnet

“I get to touch the future every single day because I get to inspire kids. I don’t know what they might become – what their value is going to be. And you can’t put a price on that.”

6th grade, Tracy Elementary, Baldwin Park

“Seeing the transformation of students who walk into my classroom feeling insecure and demonstrating indifference walk out smiling with their heads held high is a true wonder.”

4th grade, Solano Avenue Elementary School, Los Angeles

“The National Assessment Governing Board looks at bias and cultural relevance a lot. I feel that it’s a big responsibility on my shoulders to make sure I represent teachers but more importantly, that I represent my students and parents in what I say and bring to the table.”

5th grade, 122nd Street Elementary School

“Our school is a community and it’s something that we build together over time. Our slogan is that real heroes have faces like us – ordinary people doing extraordinary things.”

“My teaching is definitely informed by my experiences as an immigrant because I don’t approach my students as ‘those kids.’ Once you’re in my class you become part of my family.”

Director of Bridging and Enrichment, UCLA Community School

“TEP helped prepare me to be an effective social justice educator and drove my desire for providing access and opportunity to my students and their families.”

Want to apply to the program?

The application filing period is open from mid-September until December 2, 2024.

How to Apply

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What makes TEP special is its deep commitment to equity and justice in education. As social justice educators we are prepared to embark on a journey to impact our classrooms, the teaching profession, and the community beyond.”

Leib Sutcher
TEP Novice Year at Lawndale High School