Jane Margolis, a UCLA research scientist emerita known for her work on systemic segregation and inequality in education, has been featured in “Alta / A Human Atlas of a City of Angels,” a social impact art project by artist Marcus Lyon and The Getty Conservation Institute. This project highlights 100 Los Angeles County individuals effecting positive change.
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21CSLA Project Prepares School Leadership to Serve with Equity, Social Justice
The 21st Century California School Leadership Academy (21CSLA) is a statewide collaboration to support principals, districts, and educational leaders in learning from divergent voices, guiding with equity. Through 21CSLA, Parachini and her colleagues across California aim to provide high quality, equity-centered professional learning for educational leaders of schools and districts in California that receive Title II funds.
We can do more to teach about complexity and coexistence
Julie Flapan, Director of our Computer Science Equity Project, argues that colleges should foster deeper understanding of complex issues, particularly in politically divisive contexts. By promoting critical thinking, empathy, and open dialogue, educators can help students navigate and bridge cultural and political divides, creating a more just and cohesive society.
New History Lesson Plans for the Lost LA Curriculum Project
The Lost LA Curriculum Project added new lesson plans and debuted an updated website with resources for K-12 teachers based on episodes from the Emmy Award-winning Lost LA series co-produced by the USC Libraries and PBS SoCal. The lesson plans were created by teachers working with the UCLA History-Geography Project.
Take a look at Preparing and Sustaining Social Justice Educators, edited by our very own former executive director, Annamarie Francois, along with UCLA Center for Community Schooling director Karen Hunter Quartz. Many Center X members contributed to sections of this book.