The UCLA STEM+CS program at the UCLA Teacher Education Program (TEP) offers two pathways to become a Computer Science teacher:


for current teachers


to get a teaching degree

Computer Science Supplementary Authorization (CS SA) Program

There is a huge need in the state of California for teachers who are trained and authorized to teach computer science. The Teacher Education Program at UCLA recognized this need and in 2020, launched a one-year program for in-service teachers to earn a Computer Science Supplementary Authorization (CS SA).

  • This four-course series focuses on learning core CS concepts, computational thinking practices, and addressing equity in CS while applying and integrating these concepts into K-12 classrooms.
  • The first CS Course starts in early August.
  • Funding is available through the CS Incentive Grant and LAUSD CS SA Partnership.

Given the increasing reliance on technology for everyday living, we center an equity vision in computing and explore the social, ethical, legal, and cultural impacts of algorithms and data visualizations. We challenge the purported objectivity of the “Data-Coding Objectivity myth” and work toward developing an anti-racist curriculum through reflection, dialogue, and practice. Further, we explore the ethical concerns and problematic practices that may develop during exploratory data analysis and programming and expand our understanding of ethical data storytelling to identify, understand, and work toward rectifying disparities within the communities we partner with. The four-course series explores how social justice and equity issues are sustained and interrupted by critical analysis of computer science structures and paradigms and how these can be used to leverage positive impacts in contextualized community spaces.

Computational Thinking in the Classroom – Middle School Teacher

Computational Thinking in the Classroom – High School Teacher

More Details about the CS Supplementary Authorization Program

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
    Covers data representation, abstraction, searching and sorting in the context of solving problems using programming and computational tools.
  • Computer Programming
    Includes expertise in at least one modern, high-level programing language (e.g. Python, Java, C/C++/C#).
  • Software Design
    Covers the process of planning, engineering and implementing a software system to solve a problem, typically using both a design and a programming methodology, such as object-oriented and functional approaches.
  • Digital Devices, Systems, and Networks
    Covers computer and communication devices and the systems they compose, including the concepts and abstractions that enable stand-alone, networked, and mobile digital devices to operate and communicate.

As part of the School of Education and Information Studies, the UCLA CS Supplementary Authorization program provides a unique experience where pre-service and in-service teachers can join together in the same classes and learning environment. This collaboration fosters a community of excited CS learners who take risks to advance their understanding of computing education. Students in the STEM+ CS Residency Pathway will complete all four courses within their 16-month program.

In-Service CS Supplementary Authorization Program
To address the need for teachers who are trained and authorized to teach computer science, UCLA partners with districts to incentivize and support teachers working to earn their CS Supplementary Authorization. Currently, districts have the opportunity to utilize funds from the CS Incentive Grant to supplement the cost of the coursework. Districts can further reduce the price for teachers to earn their CS Supplementary Authorization by offering an increased number of spaces per cohort to lower the individual cost per participant.

The LAUSD CS Supplementary Authorization Partnership
The state of California currently supports in-service teachers in their pursuit of obtaining a Computer Science Supplementary Authorization. LAUSD and UCLA have partnered to provide LAUSD teachers the opportunity to work toward their Computer Science Supplementary Authorization. This partnership currently allows for 45 teachers to join the 2024-2025 cohort. Registration will be open until the last week of May 2024. These courses are open to teachers from all grade levels. This program does not require a background or experience in computer science. Funding includes: $2,500 grant funded support toward CS Supplementary Authorization for program support (ex. instructors, tech fees, books, and tuition) and to reduce program costs for participants, following the completion of all four courses teachers will receive a stipend similar to the total amount for enrollment, teachers will pay a total of $1,360 in discounted enrollment fees for all four courses, each course fee (approximately $350) will be paid to UCLA Extension at enrollment for each course.

LAUSD Program

Non-LAUSD Program

Teacher Education Program (TEP) STEM+CS Residency Program

Want to become a teacher? Enroll in the UCLA Teacher Education Program (TEP) STEM+CS Residency Program, a specialized 2-year graduate program that includes a one-year residency with stipend at Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Candidates will graduate with a Master’s in Education degree, guaranteed employment in LAUSD, and certification to teach Math/Science and Computer Science.

The program is open to students admitted to the UCLA TEP Math and Science Credential program and requires a separate application process once you are admitted to UCLA. The STEM+CS Residency program is designed for individuals with a BA/BS who are interested in teaching Math, Science, and Computer Science in K-12 and who want to teach in low-income, low-performing schools in California and Los Angeles in particular. Our commitment and coursework are guided by a social justice agenda. Applications are due December 1.

The STEM+CS Residency program builds on our extensive collaboration and success on our residency programs over a 12 year time span. Students start coursework and school observations in early August with a pedagogical focus on developing K-12 students’ computational thinking skills. The residency program is centered on social justice with our partner, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD). Our partner teachers work with our most marginalized communities toward educational equity and justice in Los Angeles. Most of our alumni start their careers in LAUSD and numerous UCLA TEP alumni have been named “Rookies of the Year.” However, whether recognized or not, the work that happens everyday with the students and families is what matters most as we strive to recognize and know the hidden narratives that can help our secondary math and science pre-service teachers become better social justice STEM Educators.

Computational Thinking in the Classroom – Middle School Teacher

Teacher Panel

More Details about the STEM+CS Residency Program

  • Collaboration with middle and high schools in LAUSD’s geographic region within the Teacher Education Program.
  • Two-year program, including the summer of 2025, leading to the completion of a Master’s degree by Spring 2027.
  • Completion of Computer Science Supplemental Authorization (CSSA) series coursework through UCLA Extension.
  • Commitment to teaching in LAUSD for four years, with the first year designated as the Resident Year.
  • Guaranteed employment in LAUSD upon successful completion of student teaching.
  • Receipt of a $35,000 stipend from LAUSD, along with eligibility for additional scholarships of $20,000+ from the Teacher Education Program.
  • Orientation (TEP) For Pre-Service Teachers also known as STEM+CS Novices: All Residency Summer Orientation
  • August 1, 2025 @ UCLA
    CS Course One Launch: Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers Course One Workshop August 5, 2025 at UCLA

You can find more specifics regarding requirements, funding, and how to apply on the TEP Prospective Students webpage or attend a UCLA TEP Information Session to learn more!