Leading for Justice

Applying for the 2025-26 academic year?

The application will be available from mid-September, 2024 through February 10, 2025.

My experience in UCLA PLI was very transformative. It fortified and shaped my social justice awareness. The PLI and the framework of this program helped me build the necessary tools to make a difference in the community and to mitigate the marginalization in urban schools.”

Sandra Sanchez
Sandra Sanchez

My time at PLI was foundational to my growth as a social justice educator. I found the readings and projects in PLI to be so relevant and grounded in real praxis. It gave me the language to name the types of inequities that I was seeing in schools, and the rationale to keep pushing for justice. Being a part of PLI’s cohort model was important because public schools can be such isolating spaces, especially for educational leaders. Having a cohort of like minded comrades pushed my practice and gave me shoulders to lean on when the work got tough. Here I am more than a decade later and really in awe with the fact that I am part of a family of hundreds of social justice educators emanating out of Moore Hall at UCLA!”

John Lynch