About the Principal Leadership Institute

UCLA Principal Leadership Institute Students

UCLA’s Principal Leadership Institute program (PLI) prepares educators to be social justice leaders in Los Angeles schools who:

  • Advocate for quality learning opportunities;
  • Improve teaching and learning;
  • Promote educational achievement for all students;
  • Create democratic and culturally-responsive learning environments;
  • Build partnerships with parents and community groups.

program grants

Completion of the program provides:

  • Master of Education degree
  • California Tier 1 Administrative Credential

application deadline

Cohort 25 Application deadline:
MARCH 1, 2024

scholarships awarded

Based on need

profile of cohort 24

Applicants Accepted: 23
Enrolled: 23
Age Range: 27 – 58

communities served

2023-2024 COHORTS 1-23

High Poverty: 87%
Low Poverty: 13%


Ethnicity of Students – 2023-2024 COHORT 24

Gender of Students
Female: 65%   Male: 35%

Ethnicity of Faculty – 2023-2024 COHORT 24

Gender of Faculty
Female: 60%   Male: 40%

alumni leadership roles '23 - '24

DATA FOR COHORTS 1-23 (848 alumni)

District level roles 15%
Principals 16%
Assistant Principals 14%
Full-time K-12 Classroom teachers 17%
Other school-based educational leaders 15%
Higher Education  4%
Other educational roles outside of K-12 4%
Leave Education/Taking Time Off  6%
Retired 5%
Unknown 4%

Leading for Justice

Applying for the 2025-26 academic year?

The application will be available from mid-September, 2024 through February 3, 2025.

My experience with PLI was deeply insightful and an opportunity to examine and understand by own privileges, biases and stereotypes. The first summer course with Dr. Cooper was the perfect choice to set the trajectory of the program. PLI broadened my outlook and allowed me to understand how systemic racism and organizational structures that are created to uplift white people are embedded in our schools, communities, and country, and how these negatively impact the lives of people of color and those form lower socioeconomic communities on a daily basis. PLI gave me the tools to feel empowered to engage in difficult conversations that address these issues and work towards become an agent of change.”

Faiza Seedat
Faiza Seedat