Creative Thinking Series Workshop January 11th
UCLAThree-day workshop introducing K-12 teachers to specific hands-on Design Challenges as well as the development of standards-aligned Guided Lessons that meet curricular requirements.
Three-day workshop introducing K-12 teachers to specific hands-on Design Challenges as well as the development of standards-aligned Guided Lessons that meet curricular requirements.
One-day workshop at UCLA with Professor Katherine Marino, author of "Feminism for the Americas: The Making of an International Human Rights Movement." This workshop is part of the History Labs series.
This four-day workshop provides elementary teachers (3-5) with strategies to use students' mathematical thinking to increase their conceptual understanding of mathematics.
Two and a half day gathering of the Urban Teacher Education Consortium at the Hotel Angeleno.
Connect, listen and support others in being who you need to be right now. Join us every Friday morning from 10-11am.
Whether you are a coach or teacher, join in this free session to focus on impactful approaches in the digital space.
Whether you are a coach or teacher, join in this free session to focus on impactful approaches in the digital space.
This three-day workshop for US History Teachers (3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 11th, 12th Grades) & Ethnic Studies Teachers explores the history of activism by youth in US History.
Five session training to explore who we are, who we want to be, and who we need to be to radically reimagine our work. Our goal is for groups and individuals to become highly conscious of their identity so that they can effectively empower people and systems.
Online workshop for 6th-8th grade teachers. Participants will focus on how statistics is connected to the world and classroom.
Online workshop for 3rd-8th grade teachers. Participants will focus on how to engage students in developing fluency so that mathematics is meaningful and built on understanding.
Four-day workshop for TK-12 Teachers, Specialists, and Administrators introducing Design-Based Learning methodology. No background or experience in design required.
Online workshop for TK-12 teachers and specialists working with English Language Learners.
Join our four session series where we will identify ways to create science sensemaking explorations for online learning (synchronous & asynchronous). Our goal is to provide strategies, tools and a collaborative space to increase opportunities for student voice, choice, and public thinking.
Join us for a free 30-minute virtual conversation about how to tap into the skills you already have as a parent to facilitate learning for your child during this global health crisis.
Join Dr. Tunette Powell of the UCLA Parent Empowerment Project and Dr. Tonikiaa Orange of the Culture & Equity Project as they host talks on Friday evenings on Facebook Live.
Five meetings focused on reading and discussing articles about ways we can address race and racism including anti-blackness in our lives, our schools, and our communities.
Online workshop for TK-12 teachers and specialists focusing on tools to build classroom connections and a sense of community in the distance learning classroom
A free three-day workshop for secondary US History Teachers and Ethnic Studies teachers that centers the Inland Empire in an examination of three topics: the Industrial Revolution, Women’s history, and the Civil Rights Movement.
Join Dr. Tunette Powell of the UCLA Parent Empowerment Project and Dr. Tonikiaa Orange of the Culture & Equity Project as they host talks on Friday evenings on Facebook Live.