Fractions Across the Grade Levels

Morrison Elementary School 13510 Maidstone Ave, Norwalk, CA, United States

During this four-day workshop, participants will engage in various ways of problem solving to support fraction understanding from upper elementary to middle school.

Introduction to Cognitively Guided Instruction (K-5) Spanish Dual Language Focus

CA, United States

During this 4-day workshop (plus one follow-up day) we will focus on the development of children’s mathematical thinking in grades K-5 in a Spanish Dual Language setting. Participants will work on how to engage students productively in problem solving and will develop expertise around a number of instructional activities that ensure access and equity to rich mathematical content.

Connections Across the Grade Levels (Grades 4-9)

Lampton Elementary CA, United States

Three-day workshop focusing on the development of children's mathematical thinking in 4th grade through Algebra 1. We will explore practical strategies for addressing CCSS attending to student understanding.

Counting Collections & Choral Counting (K-5)

New Los Angeles Charter Middle School CA, United States

Two-day workshop exploring how Counting Collections and Choral Counting provide
opportunities for children to develop a variety of mathematical concepts and a positive mathematical

Intro to Cognitively Guided Instruction (3-5)

Torrance Unified School District CA, United States

This four-day workshop provides elementary teachers (3-5) with strategies to use students' mathematical thinking to increase their conceptual understanding of mathematics.

Geometry Across the Grades (Grades 4 – Algebra 1)

El Monte City School District

Workshop for 4th grade -Algebra 1 teachers. Participants will build connections between 4th grade -Algebra 1 geometry concepts, make connections to algebra concepts and more.

Math Identity Partnership Summer Workshops (LAUSD Only) – FULL

Five one-day workshops for 4th grade - Algebra 1 LAUSD educators. This project focuses on bringing CGI into the upper grades. We have a variety of one day workshops, as well as an opportunity on Friday, June 21st, for all teachers to attend (and possibly present during) a Presentation of the Learning session.

Young Mathematicians: Proportional Reasoning [For Students Entering 9th Grade]

Da Vinci Schools El Segundo, CA, United States

Young mathematicians, let's explore some real-life contexts for division and multiplication to make sense of these ideas and build upon knowledge with new tools. This program is for students who are starting high school in the fall of 2024.