I loved the support from UCLA.

- A comprehensive professional development program designed to meet candidates’ unique National Board pathways
- A deepened understanding of what social justice and racial justice look and sound like in our classrooms and school communities
- An opportunity to experience instructional strategies to use with TK-12 students and adults
- Convenient access to online support from any location
- Weekly office hours for Components 2, 3, and 4 cohort candidates
- Optional in-person writing retreats at UCLA for Components 2, 3, and 4 cohort candidates

California offers a $2,500 subsidy for candidates at high-priority schools qualifying for Board Certification. This subsidy is intended to cover NBPTS fees.
Once you are National Board Certified, teachers at high-priority schools can receive an extra $5,000 per year as an incentive.
National Board Certification is a way for California prepared teachers to clear their credential.
CTA offers support programs for National Board candidates, including a fully-funded BIPOC cohort.
All support cohorts meet online.
One Saturday: March 1, 2025
8:30AM – 12:30PM online
Collaborate with other teachers to explore the possibilities offered for preparation for the assessment. Engage in practice sessions, pool your collective resources, and consider test-taking strategies and advice from other candidates.
Fee: $149*
4 hours of personalized support with a Learning Facilitator
Read these recommendations about one-to-one support.
Fee: $399
Four Saturdays: September 7, 2024; January 25, March 29, May 3, 2025
8:30AM – 12:30PM online
Includes access to weekly office hours, mid-September to mid-June
Optional for C4 Cohort candidates – March 15th in-person writing retreat at UCLA from 9-3
Plan for ways to gather information about students and use assessments to positively impact student learning. Collaborate around supporting colleagues, families, and the community to advance student growth. This is a cohort model of educators working together towards the successful completion of Component 4.
Fee: $399*
Registration is closed for this cohort.
Four Saturdays: October 12, December 14, 2024; February 22, April 26, 2025
8:30AM – 12:30PM online
Includes access to weekly office hours, mid-September to mid-June
Optional for C3 Cohort candidates – February 8th in-person writing retreat at UCLA from 9-3
Deconstruct the requirements for Component 3, plan for video collection and selection, and practice writing about your learning in explicit ways. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 3.
Fee: $399*
Registration is closed for this cohort.
Four Saturdays: November 2, December 7, 2024; February 1, April 5, 2025
8:30AM – 12:30PM online
Includes access to weekly office hours, mid-September to mid-June
Optional for C2 Cohort candidates – January 11th in-person writing retreat at UCLA from 9-3
Deconstruct the requirements for Component 2, explore ways to learn about students, plan for data collection and selection, and consider the best ways to communicate your learning around differentiating for student success. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 2.
Fee: $399*
Registration is closed for this cohort.
Four Saturdays: November 23, 2024; January 18, March 8, April 12, 2025
9:00 am to 12:00 pm online
Includes access to weekly office hours, mid-December to mid-May
These sessions are designed for NBCTs and intended to support the development of Components 1 and 2 for Maintenance of Certification. Each session is a live, synchronous event with a facilitator and curriculum that guides participants through a process of reflection, dialogue, and planning. By experiencing Maintenance of Certification (MOC) with like-minded colleagues, NBCTs can further live Core Proposition 5 and enrich their learning experience.
Fee: $399*
*Please register for all events at least 48 hours prior to the first meeting. All refunds will be charged 15% Admin fee. No refunds will be issued five business days prior to the first meeting day. UCLA Extension credits available at an additional cost.
*Please register at least 48 hours prior to the first meeting. All refunds will be charged 15% Admin fee. No refunds will be issued five business days prior to the first meeting day. UCLA Extension credits available at an additional cost.