Component 3 Support – National Board Certification


Deconstruct the requirements for Component 3, plan for video collection and selection, and practice writing about your learning in explicit ways. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 3.

Component 2 Support – National Board Certification


Deconstruct the requirements for Component 2, explore ways to learn about students, plan for data collection and selection, and consider the best ways to communicate your learning around differentiating for student success. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 2.

Maintenance of Certification Support – National Board


These sessions are designed for NBCTs and intended to support the development of Components 1 and 2 for Maintenance of Certification. Each session is a live, synchronous event with a facilitator and curriculum that guides participants through a process of reflection, dialogue, and planning.

Component 1 Support – National Board Certification


One-day workshop. Collaborate with other teachers to explore the possibilities offered for preparation for the assessment. Engage in practice sessions, pool your collective resources, and consider test-taking strategies and advice from other candidates.