Reading & Writing for Justice: Literacy Series 2024


This series will focus on the best practices for embedding literacy in your history and ethnic studies classrooms. You will learn how to support English Learners and Students with Disabilities in developing important literacy skills, as outlined in the California Common Core and ELD Standards, through a focus on culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy and its connection to reading, writing, speaking, and listening.

Info Session – National Board Certification Support


A free information session for educators interested in pursuing National Board Certification in 2024-2025. Find out if National Board Certification is right for you and if UCLA can help to support you on your journey.

(De)Normalizing Literature Conference

Join us for this 2-day professional development conference of learning and celebrating the diversity of our students and educators. The conference will showcase the work of districts that have experienced the (De)Normalizing Literature professional development, sessions by teacher experts, and words of wisdom from experts in literacy and culturally
responsive practices.

Cognitively Guided Instruction Workshop 1 (K-5)

Da Vinci Schools El Segundo, CA, United States

During this 3-day workshop we will focus on the development of children’s mathematical thinking in grades K-5. We will explore how children’s understandings of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division develop and how students construct concepts of place value.

Summer Institute – National Board Certification Support


Four-day workshop to build the foundation for your National Board Certification journey. Learn about the process, experience applicable strategies for your classroom, connect with like-minded educators, and plan for successful teaching and learning. Highly recommended for first time candidates.

CSPDWeek – Computer Science Professional Development Week

Join us for one week of free Computer Science professional development with a stipend in Anaheim, for Grades 6-12 educators and paraprofessionals. All California educators CAN teach computer science. All students SHOULD learn computer science.

Component 4 Support – National Board Certification


4-day workshop. Plan for ways to gather information about students and use assessments to positively impact student learning. Collaborate around supporting colleagues, families, and the community to advance student growth. This is a cohort model of educators working together towards the successful completion of Component 4.

Component 3 Support – National Board Certification


Deconstruct the requirements for Component 3, plan for video collection and selection, and practice writing about your learning in explicit ways. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 3.

Component 2 Support – National Board Certification


Deconstruct the requirements for Component 2, explore ways to learn about students, plan for data collection and selection, and consider the best ways to communicate your learning around differentiating for student success. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 2.

With Different Eyes Conference

Moore Hall, UCLA CA

One-day conference for teachers and administrators focusing on access and equity for all students, with diverse multilingual and multicultural students center stage. Our keynote speaker is Joseph Velasco, who is a storyteller and high school English and Ethnic Studies teacher. The conference also includes three sessions of workshops led by teachers.

Reading Warrior Series with Laura Rhinehart


Session 2 will include an overview of “the reading brain” and the reading circuit and how these develop over time, as well as strategies and resources that parents and caregivers can use to support reading fluency and literacy development at home.

Math Learning Labs

Learning Labs offer an opportunity for math teachers to work together, engage in teaching practices, and develop a community of shared learning.

Sites of Encounter in the Muslim World – Cairo & Delhi


This free program will help educators in applying the California History-Social Science Framework approach to 7th grade world history, centering Cairo and Delhi as Sites of Encounters. Join us for content and pedagogical presentations as well as time to collaborate, reflect and plan to implement this material in your courses