Digital Tools: Using Edtech in the History Classroom


One-day workshop for Secondary History Teachers focusing on using digital technology in inquiry-based lessons in order to promote literacy, media literacy, and civic engagement. Fee: $125 in person; $75 webinar

Places and Time: L.A. History and Geography

Auto Club Headquarters (just south of downtown Los Angeles)

Free five-day workshop for 3rd, 4th, 8th and 11th grade teachers about environmental literacy and environmental justice, with a focus on the Port of Los Angeles. We will use the exceptional maps and photos of Southern California housed in the Auto Club Archives. Teachers will receive a $300 stipend upon completion of a lesson.

LGBTQ History: OUT Curriculum Cohort

ONE Archives 909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

In this free one-week workshop for 11th grade teachers, we will explore various points in LGBTQ history through readings, presentations by historians, model lessons, and a hands-on exploration of the ONE Archives at the USC Libraries. Teachers will be compensated $500 upon completion of a lesson.