Sites of Encounter in the Muslim World – Cairo & Delhi


This program will help educators in applying the California History-Social Science Framework approach to 7th grade world history, centering Cairo and Delhi as Sites of Encounters. Join us for content and pedagogical presentations as well as time to collaborate, reflect and plan to implement this material in your courses

Maintenance of Certification Support – National Board


These sessions are designed for NBCTs and intended to support the development of Components 1 and 2 for Maintenance of Certification. Each session is a live, synchronous event with a facilitator and curriculum that guides participants through a process of reflection, dialogue, and planning.

Professional Leadership and Coaching Academy


A five-month online academy designed to explore personal and social identities, equity, trust, conflict, and trauma sensitivity, as related to individual and systems work. Learning and networking will be generative as participants develop their leadership and coaching skills, tools, and resources.

Component 1 Support – National Board Certification


One-day workshop. Collaborate with other teachers to explore the possibilities offered for preparation for the assessment. Engage in practice sessions, pool your collective resources, and consider test-taking strategies and advice from other candidates.