Overseen by UCLA’s Center X and Bethany Baptist Church of Los Angeles, the LAUNCH Academy provides innovative math and science learning opportunities based on university research. The teachers selected to teach in this program are from schools throughout Los Angeles and are all connected to the UCLA Mathematics Project and the UCLA Science Project, two of Center X’s subject matter initiatives.
Kayne Scholars is a holistic program dedicated to advancing the potential of low-income, first-generation college students to graduate from either the California State University or University of California system and pivot into sustainable, meaningful careers in STEM or business related fields. As rising college freshmen, students attend the Kayne Scholars-UCLA Summer Bridge Program. UCLA Mathematics Project will offer a “Bridge to Calculus” course designed to reinforce and extend students’ foundational mathematical skills, strengthen their recent core mathematical knowledge base, and help them learn new ideas using calculus through an algebraic lens.
Bethany Baptist and UCLA Co-sponsor Launch Academy
The Launch Academy is a six-week summer program focusing on rigorous, yet engaging classes in math and science for children ages 4 to 14. UCLA Mathematics Project and UCLA Science Project are leading and collaborating with the Bethany Baptist Church to hold the academy for the second year.
Giving LA youngsters a math and science boost
Center X’s UCLA Mathematics Project and UCLA Science Project are partnering with Bethany Baptist Church for a 6 week summer program named Launch Academy. Participants in the program – ranging in age from 4 to 14 – engage in three weeks of math and three weeks of science instruction.