The UCLA Mathematics Project (UCLAMP) is part of a statewide program that strives to make a positive impact on TK-12 educators, students, communities and school districts in the Los Angeles basin. Our goal is to partner with these entities to provide rich and transformative Mathematical experiences in urban schools.  Based on thirty-six years of research and experience, UCLAMP has developed programs that help prepare equity-focused, reflective, and responsive leaders in Mathematics.



  • Every student comes to math class knowing some mathematics
  • Every student is capable of extending their mathematical ideas
  • Knowing the trajectory of children’s thinking helps you know how to support that extension — “What am I working toward?”
  • Details of children’s thinking support instructional decision making
  • Must challenge our assumptions about what students know and are able to do
  • Must create space for the participation of each and honor the different ways in which students are participating
  • Identity shapes participation, so want to position students competently
  • Every Teacher comes to the classroom knowing about mathematics and teaching
  • Every Teacher is capable of extending their ideas/practices
  • Knowing trajectory of teacher learning helps you know how to support their continued learning
  • Details of how teachers are thinking/teaching can support your decision making in how you provide support
  • Must challenge our assumptions about why we think teachers are doing what they do
  • Must create space for the participation of each and honor the different ways in which teachers are thinking/teaching
  • Identity shapes participation, so we want to position teachers competently
  • Cultivate positive, reflective, and nurturing relationships with teachers, administrators, and colleagues.
  • Notice and highlight what educators are doing well.
  • Notice and highlight the details of student thinking in order to support both the development of children’s mathematical understandings, and teacher knowledge about children’s thinking.
  • Take care to value the thinking of all students, particularly those who may be marginalized, with the intent of reframing the narrative around who can be, and what it looks like to be, successful in mathematics.
  • Connect the focus and content of professional development to classroom practice, making sure to adapt and design support to best meet the needs of the context.



Erin Kaku

Student Worker

Amaya Keiper

Student Worker

Alex Simon

Student Worker

Deion Navarrete

CGI Student Assistant