K-12 LGBTQ+ History Teacher Symposium – FULL

ONE Archives 909 West Adams Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, United States

Workshop for K-12 Teachers. Pride, Resistance, Joy: Teaching Intersectional LGBTQ+ Stories of California and Beyond is a week-long symposium focused on local examples of LGBTQ+ history highlighting resistance, and the stories of traditionally marginalized groups.

Summer Institute – National Board Certification Support


Four-day workshop to build the foundation for your National Board Certification journey. Learn about the process, experience applicable strategies for your classroom, connect with like-minded educators, and plan for successful teaching and learning. Highly recommended for first time candidates.

CSPDWeek – Computer Science Professional Development Week

Join us for one week of free Computer Science professional development with a stipend in Anaheim, for Grades 6-12 educators and paraprofessionals. All California educators CAN teach computer science. All students SHOULD learn computer science.

Reimagining Latinx Narratives


Workshop for all educators. Let’s reimagine what and how we teach about the narratives of Latinx communities in our nation. Join us for an interactive, engaging, and resource filled workshop to get ready for the new school year.

Component 4 Support – National Board Certification


4-day workshop. Plan for ways to gather information about students and use assessments to positively impact student learning. Collaborate around supporting colleagues, families, and the community to advance student growth. This is a cohort model of educators working together towards the successful completion of Component 4.

Cognitive CoachingSM Foundations

District Office Board Room 14901 South Inglewood Ave., Lawndale, CA, United States

Eight-day seminar in Cognitive CoachingSM methods. Learn how to build trust by developing physical and verbal rapport, develop teachers' autonomy and sense of community, and apply coaching skills that enhance the intellectual processes of instruction.

Component 3 Support – National Board Certification


Deconstruct the requirements for Component 3, plan for video collection and selection, and practice writing about your learning in explicit ways. This is a cohort model and participants work together through the process of successful completion of Component 3.