Summer – Student Poem

By Hailey Franks, High School Student
Culture & Equity Project Blog


I’m for warm summer days
and late nights with the people you love.
A hot season that is sure to come
like tanned skin that you can’t run away from.

The sacrifice of stinging sunburn on your nose to feel
the sizzling sun on your skin.
The sun that also gives people warm hugs
and removes the seasonal depression their in.

I’m for the school free days the season gives, making
the alarm clocks futile
and the mornings no longer brutal.

Raise a glass to the summer trips
with new views and experiences that amaze. A
chance to explore the world and its beauties while
staying grateful always.

That’s why to me summer is comfort. To me summer
is happiness.
To me summer is relief.
And to me summer is always brief.