Resources for Collaborative Math Practices
The resources shared on this page are the culmination of work by practitioner-driven instructional leadership teams, dedicated to improving teaching and learning in mathematics by developing the collaborative culture and practices in the math departments at six elementary schools. This district-wide, elementary school initiative, known as the Collaborative Inquiry Team Alliance (CITA), is funded by the California Department of Education in partnership with UCLA and the Lawndale Elementary School District.
These shared resources, many of which are content neutral, have been identified by practitioners as crucial assets in the instructional leader’s toolkit.
The resources shared on this page are made possible by the hard work and commitment of CITA Teams. Not only did CITA teams compile toolkit resources for instructional leaders, they also documented their team’s work and produced captivating video narratives. To find out more about the specific work of each of the CITA Teams, please click here.