UCLA Center X & Lawndale Elementary School District

Collaborative Inquiry Team Alliance (CITA)

Collaborative Inquiry Team Alliance (CITA) is a partnership between UCLA Center X and the Lawndale Elementary School District. The grant focuses on building instructional leadership in mathematics through a theory-to-practice approach by unifying principles of collaboration, transformative leadership, practitioner-driven inquiry, Cognitively Guided Instruction (CGI), Adaptive Schools Seminars, and Cognitive Coaching. The grant focuses specifically on building collaborative site instructional leadership teams that may have long-term impacts on student academic outcomes. CITA Is a district-wide initiative involving all six of Lawndale’s elementary schools. Each team includes the school-site principal, vice-principal, Teacher on Special Assignment in Mathematics (TOSA), English Language Instructional Resource Teacher (ELIRT), and two classroom teachers. Teams work with a UCLA Center X coach to implement team and site professional learning plans.