Geometry Across the Grades (Grades 4 – Algebra 1)

El Monte City School District

Workshop for 4th grade -Algebra 1 teachers. Participants will build connections between 4th grade -Algebra 1 geometry concepts, make connections to algebra concepts and more.

Math Identity Partnership Summer Workshops (LAUSD Only) – FULL

Five one-day workshops for 4th grade - Algebra 1 LAUSD educators. This project focuses on bringing CGI into the upper grades. We have a variety of one day workshops, as well as an opportunity on Friday, June 21st, for all teachers to attend (and possibly present during) a Presentation of the Learning session.

Math Teacher Learning Labs (Middle School & High School)

Da Vinci Schools El Segundo, CA, United States

Workshop for middle school and high school math teachers. Participants will engage with problem solving, discussion and collaboration with colleagues. We will join student learning spaces to hear students' current understandings and reflect on in-the-moment instructional decisions as part of a Learning Lab experience.

Cognitively Guided Instruction Workshop 1 (K-5)

Da Vinci Schools El Segundo, CA, United States

During this 3-day workshop we will focus on the development of children’s mathematical thinking in grades K-5. We will explore how children’s understandings of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division develop and how students construct concepts of place value.

CGI Lab Add-On (Grades 3-5) – FULL

Da Vinci Schools El Segundo, CA, United States

During this 2-Day session for grade 3-5 teachers, the focus will be on the development of children's math thinking and exploring children's understandings of fractions.

Math Learning Labs

Learning Labs offer an opportunity for math teachers to work together, engage in teaching practices, and develop a community of shared learning.

2023 California Mathematics Framework Workshop – Nov. 21

Centinela Valley Union High School District Office 14901 South Inglewood Avenue, Lawndale, CA, United States

Join us to deepen your understanding of the framework, and learn how to foster ongoing learning and collaboration, how to implement equitable math instruction and how to cultivate positive math identities.

Fractions & Decimals (Grades TK – 5)

Harbor Gateway Branch Library 24000 S Western Ave, Harbor City, CA, United States

In this 2-day institute, we will explore how to use what we know about children’s mathematical thinking to support their continued development of fraction and decimal understandings. This institute is designed for educators who have had prior experiences with CGI.

Using Children’s Thinking to Make Instructional Decisions (TK – 6th grade)

Harbor Gateway Branch Library 24000 S Western Ave, Harbor City, CA, United States

In this 2-day institute, we will deepen our knowledge of the development of children’s mathematical thinking as we explore the relationship between problem types, number choices and student strategies, and consider how this understanding impacts instruction. Designed for educators who have had prior experiences with CGI.

CGI Foundations (TK – 6th grade)

Harbor Gateway Branch Library 24000 S Western Ave, Harbor City, CA, United States

This 2-day intensive institute is designed to provide a foundational introduction to CGI. This institute is highly recommended for new teachers, teachers who are new to CGI, and those who are beginning their practice of CGI.

Understanding Young Children’s Mathematical Thinking (Age 3 – K)

Mid-Valley Regional Library 16244 Nordhoff St, North Hills, United States

During this session, early childhood educators will notice and study the development of young children’s mathematical thinking. We will explore how children’s understandings of counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division develop.