Places and Time: L.A. History and Geography

Auto Club Headquarters (just south of downtown Los Angeles)

Free five-day workshop for 3rd, 4th, 8th and 11th grade teachers about environmental literacy and environmental justice, with a focus on the Port of Los Angeles. We will use the exceptional maps and photos of Southern California housed in the Auto Club Archives. Teachers will receive a $300 stipend upon completion of a lesson.

Cognitively Guided Instruction Workshop II (Grades TK-2)

Levy Adult School Torrance, CA, United States

During this 4-day workshop we will deepen our focus on the principled ideas underlying the development of children’s mathematical thinking in grades TK-2. Requirement: participants have already attended a 4-day CGI Workshop.


Fractions in the Middle Grades Workshop I (Grades 4-7)

Edison Language Academy Santa Monica, CA, United States

During this three-day workshop (plus one follow-up day), teachers will learn how to engage and explore fraction concepts and operations with their students through the use of story problems.
