Reading Warrior Series


3-day series on the art and science of reading. Each session will be led by an expert in the field of reading. They will be sharing the newest updates for supporting our students in learning to read, social justice for reading, and the power of reading.

Imagine If…Powering Learning Through Creativity and the Arts

Carnesale Commons

Join us for a free one-day convening inspired by the teachings of Sir Ken Robinson and the promise of Prop. 28. This conference will bring together K-12 teachers, arts educators, principals, district leaders, and museum and community arts partners to learn together, make connections, and co-construct actionable ways to enact the promise of Prop. 28.

(De)Normalizing Literature Conference

Join us for this 2-day professional development conference of learning and celebrating the diversity of our students and educators. The conference will showcase the work of districts that have experienced the (De)Normalizing Literature professional development, sessions by teacher experts, and words of wisdom from experts in literacy and culturally
responsive practices.

CRLP Leadership Invitational


The invitational leadership institute is an opportunity for strong instructional leaders to continue their professional learning while being a member of a Statewide professional learning and development organization. We invite you to join other educators from various districts as we continue to learn and fine-tune our profession.