The CRLP focuses on student achievement and grounds all professional development activities in student work and student outcomes based on research in order to inform teacher practice and assess teacher leadership. CRLP believes in providing teachers with opportunities to engage in and learn from the practice of the discipline (reading and literature). CRLP supports the development and promotion of teacher leadership in many forms and through various channels.
Professional Development
CRLP Statewide Signature Programs
These programs were developed by collaboration between university researchers and classroom practitioners. They are piloted and refined in real classrooms by teacher leaders who in turn offer their experience and expertise to other teachers statewide to disseminate the research and practice inherent in these programs.
- Get Your A’s Up: Professional Literacy Academy (GYAU)
Participants will discuss the Dimensions of Culturally Responsive/Sustaining Practices. Teachers will use a social justice platform, culturally responsive teaching, rigor/relevance and critical literacy as the pedagogical foundation of this work. Teachers will participate in collaborative inquiry and reflection of instructional practices to effectively meet the needs of Black/African-American students. The institute focuses on teaching through culture to meet the needs of this student population. Participants will be provided with the skills necessary to analyze the academic language demands for course-specific text and materials as called for in the California Standards. - Introduction to the CA Dyslexia Guidelines
This study session is designed to unpack the 2017 California Dyslexia Guidelines and provide educators with a general understanding of this new policy. The overall goal of the three-hour workshop is to inform administrators, school psychologists, special education teachers, and general education teachers about what these new guidelines entail, how to begin a process of universal screening for students at risk for dyslexia, and how to identify appropriate instructional supports to assist these students. - CALL: Content Area Language and Literacy for Academic Success: Supporting the Common Core in Middle and High School
Supporting the Common Core in Middle and High School
CALL institutes provide secondary educators with the tools and skills necessary to analyze the academic language demands of course-specific texts and materials. CALL supports teachers in designing effective instruction that meets the demands of the new California Common Core Standards. - RALLI: Results Academic Language and Literacy Instruction K-5: Supporting Implementation of the Common Core Standards
Implementing the Common Core Standards
These institutes will provide participants with the tools and knowledge necessary to analyze academic language demands in elementary content texts. They will focus on developing competencies to effectively assess and teach the continuum of language skills, academic content knowledge and instructional strategies that promote academic achievement with the new California Common Core Standards. - RESULTS Word Recognition, Spelling and Fluency K-5
Participants in these institutes learn how to assess discrete reading skills, such as word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension and fluency in order to inform instruction. The institutes also provide support in implementing school wide teamwork and data analysis to determine intervention and differentiate instruction in an RtI model. - Pre-K and Early Childhood Institute
These institutes support literacy development co-related to the California Pre-Kindergarten Learning and Development Guidelines and the California English Language Arts Framework for TK-K. Participants learn to weave opportunities for foundational literacy throughout the instructional day. - SBET: Spanish-English Biliteracy Transfer
These institutes provide bi-literacy teachers with tools to help their students transition from Spanish reading to English by creating structures for English to be learned in an “additive approach”. - Learning How English Works: Assessing and Teaching Part II of the California ELD Standards
This professional development institute is designed to help unpack and implement Part II of the California ELD Standards. Learning How English Works deepens the understanding of the California ELD Standards and guides teachers in planning language lessons for Designated ELD instruction.

Customized Professional Development
CRLP will design and customize professional development to meet school or district needs. Content is grounded in current teaching and learning research. We offer professional development for teachers, paraprofessionals, administrators, volunteers and any others who support literacy for students. We also offer technical assistance in supporting any district initiatives for literacy.
We establish partnerships to support plans for change by collaborating with teachers, site and district administrators. We offer customized professional development institutes and workshops, we model demonstration lessons in classrooms and we provide coaches and consultants who co-teach, coach and support teachers in implementing instructional materials and effective standards-based instruction. We are here to work with you in supporting the educators who touch the lives of students every day.
- Collaboration in creating a literacy plan
- School based-teacher support
- Summer Literacy Academy
- Young Scholars Institutes
- Culturally Responsive Literacy Teaching
- Language support for all learners
- Ongoing Book Clubs and readings
All of our Signature and Portfolio collection professional development programs are available for customization.
Instructional Leadership
The CRLP at UCLA offers various opportunities for educators to enhance their content knowledge and teaching practices through a social justice lens. We welcome and develop teacher leadership through our annual Invitational Leadership Institute. The Invitational Leadership Institute is an opportunity for strong instructional leaders to continue their professional learning, while being a member of a Statewide professional learning and development organization. We invite you to join other educators from various districts as we continue to learn and fine-tune our profession.