Research into Practice

Research in Center X

Center X supports a portfolio of research and evaluation studies.

Center X studies and documents the impact of its programs on the quality of Los Angeles schools—with a particular focus on the quality of the teaching and leadership workforce and the effects of this workforce on student achievement.  In compliance with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, Center X maintains a database of TEP and PLI alumni to track their career development over time and conducts annual evaluations of each program. Significant research and evaluation are also conducted on Center X’s professional development programs and partnerships. Many of these studies are available through the Center XChange.


To ensure that this portfolio of research and evaluation studies is coordinated and informs educational policy and practice, all research conducted on or with human subjects affiliated with Center X must be approved by the Center X Leadership Team, in addition to the UCLA Office for the Protection of Research Subjects. If you are interested in analyzing existing Center X data or collecting new data within the center, please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages and submit your request to Annamarie Francois ( Requests will be reviewed within one month.

  1. What is your research question and why is it worth studying?
  2. What is the scope of work involved in addressing this question?  What data will it require?
  3. Who will participate in doing the work and how much time will it take?
  4. What are your plans for securing OPRS/human subjects approval?
  5. How will your findings be reported?  Will they have implications for Center X’s work?