With support from the National Science Foundation, researchers from UCLA Center X Computer Science Equity Project and school leaders/administrators from 17 local education agencies (LEAs), co-developed a Research-Practice Partnership (RPP) to expand computer science (CS) teaching and learning opportunities in schools across California by building the capacity of school leaders to implement equitable, scalable, and sustainable CS education.
This RPP, titled Supporting Computer Science Access, Leadership, and Equity in California (SCALE-CA), is making systemic change using a three-pronged strategy we call the three C’s: at the classroom, county/district, and the capitol to build leadership capacity to broaden participation in CS education among girls, students of color, and low-income students.
The goal is to increase access and engagement in CS to prepare students for college, careers, and community engagement.
As the RPP learns and shares data-driven practices, it collaboratively addresses challenges of broadening participation in computing, including teacher preparation and support, student recruitment, teacher credentialing, integration of college and career pathways, and funding. This effort underscores the lessons we have learned about the value of connecting school leaders across the state to support each other in their shared goals, effectively responding to challenges, and celebrating successes.
By working closely with CSforCA’s Teaching and Learning working group, the SCALE-CA RPP informs local and statewide policymakers with research, experiences, and data, thereby supporting California’s CS Strategic Implementation Plan and the integration of California’s CS standards in order to build long-term sustainability of socially just CS in California.
Though our focus is on students in California, we have been sharing our leadership resources with other states, through the generous support of NSF and ECEP.

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants #1837780.